Thursday, June 3, 2010


Well, it figures it would take the birth of a firstborn son to make me ever write on a blog. This post is coming from yours truly, Travis.

Hinckley George Needham was born June 2nd, 2010, 10:46pm PST, 8.00 pounds, 21 inches.
Here are some pics hot off the presses.

This is us right after arriving to the hospital (6/2/2010 - 8:15am)

Carma, moments before induction (6/2/2010 - 9:19am)

Carma, about 40 min before birth (6/2/2010 - 10:06pm)

Carma, moments after birth (6/2/2010 - 10:52pm)

Carma holding baby Hinckley for the first time (6/2/2010 - 10:53pm)

Carma holding baby Hinckley for the first time (6/2/2010 - 10:53pm)

Carma holding baby Hinckley for the first time (6/2/2010 - 11:00pm)

Baby Hinckley's first bath (6/2/2010 - 11:58pm)

The following morning... precious baby sleeping (6/3/2010 - 8:41am)

The following morning... precious baby sleeping (6/3/2010 - 8:41am)

The following morning... precious baby sleeping (6/3/2010 - 8:42am)

The following morning... precious baby sleeping (6/3/2010 - 8:43am)


  1. Basically adorable! I'm so happy you guys blogged! Go Travis. Carma looks beautiful. Babies are amazing.

  2. Congratulations you three! Chip and I are so happy for you. Ya'll will be great parents. Wish we were there to see your excitement. Hinkley is precious!!!
    Love you, Beth Lynn and Chip

  3. Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! Is it just me, or does he look just like Travis?

  4. WAY TO GO!! Call me if you need anything!! Congrats, so cute!

  5. He is so precious!! Glad everything went well, and VERY excited for many updates to come!!

  6. congratulations!!
    i can't wait to see more pictures

    carma, you are going to be such a wonderful mommy.

  7. Congatulations to all THREE of you! You will be a wonderful mother, Carma, as you've had tons of experience! Hinckley is adorable!
