Monday, February 8, 2010

Happy Birthday, Trav!

I have made a new goal to update this blog every Sunday. We'll see how long I can keep it up for!

Travis's birthday was on Friday (5 Feb). For weeks before hand, I had so much fun teasing him--Every time I bought a present or one would arrive in the mail, I would tell him, "I shopped for you birthday today," or "A package came in the mail for you, but you can't open it 'till your birthday!" He retorted then when my birthday comes, he would start shopping months in advance for me and tease me back about it. :) Sounds delightful to me!

Here's a picture of Travis blowing out his 28 candles on the the ice cream cake I made for him.

Thank you to everyone for the cards and presents, well wishes and phone calls. It was wonderful to see Trav's phone ringing all day long with loving people wishing him birthday cheer. Thanks, everyone! I think we made it a special day for Travis.

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